


The ARGE IKin 53757 St. Augustin, gives our senior citizen assistance GAP the IK number we have requested!
This is: 460928740 and is a prerequisite for being able to settle with the cash registers ....



With the decision of the board on October 21, 2019, Claus-Michal Dronia became a supporting member of the German Alzheimer's Society, Bavarian State Association (Self help dementia) added ....



AOK Bayern - The health insurance company
Holger Hein - Area of Basic Care / HKP; Department of Contracts Nursing / HKP, 96450 Coburg

Thu, Nov 14, 2019 3:26 PM

Dear Dronia,

I am referring to the correspondence conducted so far and our telephone call on November 12, 2019. Thank you again for the friendly atmosphere. In summary, I can give you the following message:

We have checked your submitted documents - In principle, the conclusion of a supply contract in accordance with Section 71 (1a) SGB XI for the "Senior Citizens' Aid GAP" is fulfilled with the following mandatory requirement:

- 1. the manager is employed and proven with the basic qualifications, professional experience, further training and the employment relationship subject to social security contributions, as required in the structural survey form and in connection with the aforementioned requirements of the directive pursuant to §112a SGB XI and

- 2. The representative performance is also proven in accordance with the above-mentioned regulations with the required basic qualifications and professional experience.

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